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Top Ten Tips and Tricks to Help Launch a Successful Video Email Campaign

If you want to have a successful video email campaign, you must prepare, and plan out a series of communication. With this in mind, here are the top 10 tips and tricks to help launch a successful video email campaign.

  1. Solid leads: If you want to send a video email, you will want to have solid leads. You can find them on your site or on social media.
  2. Good title: If you want someone to open your media and watch the video, you must have a good title.
  3. Social media: To get people excited, you should share your video on social media. Yes, social media marketing is a great tool you must use.
  4. Talk to clients: While social media is great, remember that communication is key, and you will want to listen to the wants and needs of your clients.
  5. Short and to the point: If you want to provide a video email, you should make sure its short, sweet and on topic.
  6. Weekly: Don’t email too often. Yes, keep it down to once a week. Then, people will like your content and won’t grow bored.
  7. Professional video: If you have the money, hire a professional. Think about it, if a client watches your video, they will be impressed if it’s made by a pro.
  8. What’s in it for them: When making the video, think about customer service. Instead of telling them why to buy your product, tell them why they need it.
  9. Brainstorm in advance: When coming up with video ideas, you should think of your small business and how it helps your client. Then, you can come up with ideas in advance. That way, you can work your way into new ideas.
  10. Track results: Finally, while video email for the small business is great, you must track your results and make changes, when necessary.

So there, you have it, the top 10 tips to follow for a successful video email campaign.

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